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Bal Harbour Real Estate Market Statistics and Trends

  • AVG List Price

  • AVG Price sq.ft.

  • Highest Price

  • AVG Days on Market

The interactive graph above plots shifts in our index charts that follow the local Bal Harbour real estate market. View trends over time – from 2005 through present day. Data is presented in real time. Use this graph to monitor local trends in the Miami real estate market. Click the 'reset chart' circular arrow above to return to full view.
  • AVG Rentals

  • MAX Rent

  • MIN Rent

  • AVG Days on Market

Bal Harbour Luxury Condo Market At-a-Glance
This tool provides invaluable insight into supply, demand, and valuations within the sought-after Miami luxury condo market. Use it to monitor market changes by quarter.
Bal Harbour - Median vs. Average Asking Price (with Price Reduction Trend Line)
The above graphic compares the median (blue bars) vs. average (green bars) price side-by-side over time. This graph also charts price reduction percent (yellow trend line) over time. The median housing price is that which has the same quantity of price points below and above it. For example, if there were 101 properties taken into consideration, the median would be the price in the middle with 50 lower and 50 higher. The average sales price, however, is calculated by adding all sales prices together and dividing that total by the number of individual sales. When a home is initially listed at one price and later sold at a different price, we call that increase or decrease Negotiability, with price reduction measured as a percent.
Bal Harbour - Occupancy vs. Inventory
The graph above displays the relationship between occupancy rate (blue bars) alongside quantity sold (green trend line). A higher occupancy rate simply means properties are owner occupied or rented, while lower occupancy rates signify property vacancies.
Bal Harbour - Average Unit Sales Price by Number of Bedrooms
In the chart above, you can track average sales price growth based on the number of bedrooms in Miami. Use this chart to track trends in sales prices for studios (purple), one-bedrooms (blue), two-bedrooms (green), three-bedrooms (yellow), and four bedrooms or more (orange) over time – from 2005 through present day.
Bal Harbour - Ownership By Country
The above pie chart illustrates the current ownership mix for property sales throughout Miami, Florida. Use this helpful chart to better understand the country of origin for those purchasing properties. (Note that owners purchasing through an LLC or Corporation are not individuals but, instead, a legal entity.)
Bal Harbour - Ownership By State
The above pie chart illustrates the current ownership mix for property sales throughout Miami, Florida. Use this helpful chart to better understand the state of origin for those purchasing properties. (Note that owners purchasing through an LLC or Corporation are not individuals but, instead, a legal entity.)
Bal Harbour - Median Sales Price vs. Number of Sales by Quarter
The above graph displays trends in median sales prices (blue bars) alongside the number of sales per quarter (green trend line). The median sales price is the price in the middle, with exactly half of those listed homes sold above that price and half sold below that price. For a sampling of 101 homes, the median sales price would be that which has 50 homes below and 50 homes above.
Bal Harbour Neighborhood At-a-Glance
The chart above offers a convenient side-by-side comparison of important data metrics across all major Miami neighborhoods. Use up and down arrows to sort by total units, average price, average square feet, and average price per square foot. Re-click the arrow to toggle between high-to-low and low-to-high column sort.
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